Welcome to my radar tracking thread!
Airport: KLAS
Time: 2024-07-28T18:00:00Z→2024-07-28T19:00:00Z
Server: Training
Frequencies: Approach
Runways in use: 26L and 26R
The types of approaches you can request are Visual, ILS, Radar Vectors, or GPS. Please note that for Visual and ILS approaches, you can file a flight plan if you want to, but you don’t have to. For GPS approaches, you must file a flight plan. Please also note that if you request radar vectors, you will be handed off on base as there is no clearance necessary for approaches using radar vectors.
Please report any busts with other aircraft (less than 3nm and less than 1000ft of separation) and busts with terrain (less than 1000ft AGL before being cleared for an approach
Also give me feedback if there is a big gap that I could have fit you into for efficiency
@Saf @princeakatsuki
I would like at least 6 people to attend
KLAS Approach is now open
Feedback M-BALD
- Great job with my approach, Daw width was perfect and intercept was great. Only recommendation is having me at intercept alt before my base turn to avoid busting with other traffic. Otherwise great job.
You’ll do great on your test just relax and take deep breaths. Staying calm is crucial but being aware is key. Good luck!
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thanks for attending and giving the feedback
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Sorry about those late vectors, I thought the terrain went on for longer @Nothing1
I will be closing in 24 minutes
Closed. Thanks everyone for coming
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No worries! Solid session. Good luck on your practical!
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I have failed my practical. I am planning to take it again in 2 days and with the practice sessions I have not getting enough attendance, I haven’t really been able to practice to prepare for my test. I have opened this thread back up and plan to use it whenever I have free time before my test. Please let me know if you would be willing to help
I am open at KSLC for probably around an hour. Please spawn at one of the following airports: UT48, UT40, 42U, KOGD, KHIF, KEVW, KFBR, KDPG, KTVY, UT08, KPVU, 36U, U69, or KSLC. I will be using runways 16L and 16R
Please be sure to report all problems with efficiency, even if you don’t think they matter because I struggle with efficiency. If you are on final with more than 6nm to the aircraft in front of you, this is a problem, please let me know about it. Don’t report this if you didn’t come from downwind/base and there was no way to make the spacing shorter unless I gave you a ridiculously high speed command
KSLC Approach closed. I will be open in about 11 hours from now probably at a different airport
I am open at KONT. Fly in from any nearby airport and request any approach. Please give me feedback (with your callsign) after you are done flying
From J-Air 1239:
1st appr: ILS
- Low initial altitude (descend to 4000ft): resulted in a terrain bust and crash
2nd appr: ILS
- Good initial vectors
- Late descent from 8000ft as I was getting closer to the airport
- Was above the GS when clearance was issued
Missed Approach
- Good MA vectors
- Good base turn
- Good clearance and handoff
I’ll just wait to see if this TT is running, otherwise I’ll come back for a few more patterns!
I can join in like 20-30. Im controlling Singapore Radar on Expert right now.
Airport: KONT
Callsign: N44ZX
Approach: 3 visuals:
- I would have done 4K DW visual DW and 3K base. Although, no busts so technically you’re fine.
- No other issues
Feedback from Avelo 415:
- Good initial vectors
- I like what you did with me and ExecJet on downwind/base, but i ended up being really high on base and final
- I almost missed the LOC and GS, reverse heading would have been nice
- Hand off was early, I was still trying to descend and catch the LOC, definitely not established