Manually Pull Forward/Towing Option

Very good thread
Just voted!

BUMP! We need this

Bump, would make some things so much more realistic


With the CL35 this feature would be really helpful. Having the ability to tow the CL35 out of hangers or FBO spots would be terrific. Not terribly realistic™ to fire up the engines inside the hanger to get the aircraft into a spot for loading.

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Could be simple right? Just swap the push with pull?


I can imagine people towing themselves right to the runway holding points and starting up right there!

This would be instrumental for many reasons, there’s a lot of terminals that require the aircraft to be pulled up to a certain point after pushback. Airports like Newark, Los Angeles, etc are some that require this feature. Now yes, people could potentially abuse this feature, but I don’t think the majority of realistic pilots should be penalized for the recklessness of others. Same reason I wish we had more control over the thrust reversers.


This would be so much more realistic with larger airports where after aircraft disembark they get towed to remote stands for time till their next flight


Yes, we need this feature. Pulling Forward after pushing back is very common at Changi Airport.


Moi je le fait déjà du tractage sur infinite flight j’ai trouvé comment faire

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This was confirmed! yay!


Is this implemented for all aircraft or just the A380?

It’s not implemented but it’s been confirmed that it is being worked on and it’ll come soon. But it’s not here yet

Interesting. The reason I ask is because I saw this option in the A380 tutorial video:


I think it’s a WIP and only available to staff

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Yea, in the stream for the A380 the devs said they’re working on it tho

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Devs have had it for over a year or longer to my knowledge, im not sure if it’s planned to come to us in the next update Orrr what. Does anyone know when this is planned to come?

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Completely irrelevant but man do I miss that old AA safety video

This would be so nice. It’s confirmed by the devs they are just testing it to se how it’ll work with the ATC. Would love this so in busy times I can go to a quiet part of a taxiway and start my plane. Also it’ll help reuse taxi times in big airports


we need this! i’ve seen it in the a380 tutorial and got excited thinking this would come but it unfortunately isn’t available for us. 😕

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