Manchester to Heathrow | F16C Flight of 2

Manchester to Heathrow Hop with F16s

Recently, @Ganso and I went on a fun little excursion to Heathrow from Manchester as a flight of 2 F-16Cs with ATC active on both airports. We had a great deal of fun as fighters arriving at Heathrow!

EGCC > EGLL // F-16C // Expert Server // YA-PPR Flight of 2

the photos

starting off the hop lined up on 23L at Manchester

post-takeoff, on the way to Heathrow with Manchester in the background

on the final leg for 27L at Heathrow

parked at some stands at Heathrow post-flight

Anyways that's all from me for now! Also, this is my first post thread in this category, so, let me know what you think about the photos and layout of this post or the images as I hope to improve.

The fun was incomparable, we have to repeat this

Special thanks to @Nevry11 and the IFATC folks at EGLL radar and local for helping us do this.


Props to ATC for allowing it - great photos!


Thanks. Nice pictures. It was a pleasure controlling


The ultra rare occasion we see a legitimate use of the “Flight of XX” suffix.

Good on you guys for trying it! Hopefully some will copy! 😄