I was just trying to fly from manchester to dublin and when i turned on autopilot it malfunctioned and it nosedived me and when i put it back up to climb i turned back on autopilot yet it started to bank left and right for no reason and crashed it
Are you able to share the replay so we can see what happened?
You can do so via https://sharemyinfiniteflight.com
- Download your replay from Infinite Flight.
- Upload the replay file.
- Fill out the details and options.
- Submit!
- Share the link here :)
Bruh it wont let me even copy and past it here even though i copied it
If you have discord i can show you
Ok wait in 20 minutes
Done sent req
Just sounds like a stall and then trying to climb without gaining back the proper airspeed.
Yeah I’ve had a look at his replay unfortunately with the states menu broken I can’t see the A/P settings and therefore its difficult to determine exactly what happened.
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