Last week,I played IF solo mode.When I land on the runway,the plane was really bumpy and then the plane is upside down.
And outside picture.
Is this sometimes happen in this sim?
There is no crash thing appear on my screen.
Last week,I played IF solo mode.When I land on the runway,the plane was really bumpy and then the plane is upside down.
I have no clue how this happens on accident but you can do it pretty easily on purpose if you fly inverted and touch down smoothly
I do it very rough,bumpy landing,extreme crosswind and worse than Ryanair landing.
How fast were you going?
I think 210 knots,because in extreme crosswind.
Yeah, that’s waaay too fast. Try and land between 130 - 140 knots if you can.
210kts is too fast. But bro made a backflip😂
Yeah,I know but I want a little bit of challenge.
And I made a backflip.You can see how rough is the wind on the pictures
You should put this in the screenshots Category very funny pictures
Oh I forgot.
I try but its very slow.After that I pick the speed up and boom.
Have you tried using flaps?
Yes because I want to land
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