Lunar Supermoon Eclipse

Did you guys know that there is going to be a lunar eclipse tonight? What’s cooler is that the moon will be at its perigee (lowest point in orbit) making it look larger! Look at Not Found for more info. (Yes I know this has nothing to do with aviation, unless you count what it may be like for pilots flying night VFR 😉)

True that, ill change it

Not the best zoom. Contact me for full photo

Nice pic, I can see it from my bedroom window, but its very high up (goddammit NY)

creds go to my dad, my camera sucks

Cloudy here :(

lol, you in NY?

No but not far. PA.

Ok, im on LI, and its not cloudy where I am :)

Where did you get these pics?

Nice captures

Its still a complete blood moon here