I’m not really sure if I write in the right topic but I have a question about the A330’s Lufthansa old livery. Will they be replaced by the brand new one in a close futur or not? Because I‘m wondering if it worth it to make a feature request because they represent 1/3 of the Lufthansa’s A330 fleet, that made it important.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen them remove a livery, if the aircraft isn’t being reworked. The A330 is newly reworked, so I wouldn’t worry. Personally I prefer the old livery as well :)
Oh I was talking about Lufthansa irl because I think the old one is very missing to some aircraft but if they were replacing it I would think that is not really necessary to add it on the game
you should change ur topic category to real world aviation
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In that case, why wouldn’t they?
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