Longest Flight?

I think this has already been asked, but what is the LONGEST flight in infinite flight, so you can get up to high altitudes.

I do circles around SoCal, normally at 32,000ft or more. Takes me 1hr and 30mins. I’ve almost finished my current flight, going to land in LAX in 12 minutes.

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A few of the longest routes:

South Florida: KMIA to KTPA
Singapore: WSSS to WMKK
Hawaii: PHNL to PHTO
Caribbean: TNCM to TFFR


Thank you.

@SirMS hit the nail on the head.

However, just go up and do long loopy routes of the region. I flew a Finnair Boeing 757-200 on what I was imagining was a scenic/joyride sunset flight of the Oshkosh region. Took off from KOSH, flew to the SW corner of the region, flew east, then went up to KGRB (Austin Straubel). Got up real high, especially since it was a 757-200

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I like to go

Or just go KPSP to KNUC
Palmdale to tijuana

My longest 1 consecutive was 2.5 hours in the SoCal area cruising at 42,000FT .85 M, but my longest routed flight plan was take off at KEDW - KLAX - KNUC - KSAN - KPSP - and land back at KEDW.

I typically will fly either a 747-2/4/8 or an A320

But I will taxi to the correct runway and do my pre and post checklists.

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The best routes to that are straight line routes and are long are:
( All these trips were done with a vertical speed of 3900-4000)
• Singapore Changi Intl — Kaula Lumpa [FL360 Estimated time: 15-22 minutes
• Honolulu Intl — Hilo Intl [FL340 Estimated time: 18-20 Minutes
• East Midlands — London Intl or London City [FL320 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes.


The longest flight I have had so far was a flight I did yesterday in A320. It took me 1 hour and 37 minutes (flight time) to fly from WMKK to WSSS, with one TnG at each of WIBD, WIDD, WSAP & WWKJ in between. Because of the various distances between those airports, I had levelled at 5000ft twice before descending for finals, twice at 7000ft and once at FL240.

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Do Simular, take off from LAX, fly round the region and land at LAX about an hour later. (for LAX read also LHR or SYD for Simular length flights. )


KNUC to KSAN to KPSP to KONT to KLAX and back to KNUC. Cruising at FL12 and at 360knots. Took me around 1hr and 40mins the most.

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NASA SOFIA flight:
KEDW-42,000ft-fly around (collecting satellite data) for half an hour ( or less/more depending on your time limit) back to Edwards AFB

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