Looks like RWY27R will be used for arrivals until 15:00, if the winds favour RWY27L/RWY27R. The viewing stand still offers a pretty decent view of the aircraft!
I’ll be London for a layover exactly a month after the event. 😭
Have fun everyone!
On my way to London from Kuala Lumpur via Doha! MH164 and QR3.
See you all in a couple of weeks! 👋 🙂
I’ll give you a track on FR24. Have a safe flight and smooth connection.
amazing lee! can’t wait to see you there ;)
oh damn that hurts. 😣
IAG will be out in strong force, whole bunch of us coming!
Looks like Aer Lingus are cancelling flights from tomorrow to the 7th due to the pilot strike. Hopefully I’ll make it as EI178 isn’t affected at the moment. I can’t afford to miss this opportunity especially when I haven’t spotted at Myrtle Avenue yet.
May I suggest going to the RAF Museum Hendon instead of Heathrow? Plenty of military hardware there, and it’s next to Hannants (a hobby shop that has lots of stock regarding scale models, even airliners)!
Hopefully you can make it! 🤞🏼
Maybe in the future! Thanks for the suggestion :)
Sadly, I can’t make it. 🥹
The location is already set in stone
What did you expect? It’s England, you think it’s not gonna rain?
Well it’s been very sunny lately so, yes?
Ahh if only I didn’t have work the next day!
Can I recommend you consider a meet up at Manchester (EGCC) some day, absolutely stunning views from the runway visitor park 😁
I’m so hyped… also, Switzerland plays against England on saturday, gonna be fun in one of the pups😂
wooo, didnt even know this, im on the swiss side always ;)
A manchester meetup will be amazing! would love to go if it’s hosted in the future