Real, me too.
I am going to beg my parents to go to london🤣
Do you have to pay for the tickets for the meetup??
Nope - the ticket is free :)
I finish school on the 5th but I won’t be able to make it. Have fun everyone.
Got my return flight all sorted out! 31 days and counting down.
It’s basically just a way for Dan (and staff) to anticipate the attendance… like to plan on how many people are coming
Got my tickets (fights + meetup) as well. ✈️
cant wait to see you Jan !!
We need to chat longer than last time. 😉
we will for sure !! i will be there 100%, both mentally and physically haha
Carrying around your big bag? 😁
not this time haha…thankfully
If you have a hard time recognizing me, I’ll be the one wearing the Infinite Flight T-shirt. 😁
See you there @Jan!
Well, I live in London. Not difficult for me to attend. This’ll be my first meetup. See ya’ll there!
I’ll most likely make it since i’m stopping in London for a few days on my way back from Israel.
I’m gonna say it again.
rAnDoM msFs pLaYeR:oH mY gOoDnEsS sToP dOiNg sO mAnY mEeTuPs. gEt bAcK tO wOrK yOuR gAmE sUcKs mSfS so bEtTer OmGgG!!!