LNAV confirmed (when Global Flight is out)

mount couple of fuel tanks inside the a380, there u go


I asked her about fuel burn a couple days ago, I just decided to post the screenshot today.


This is going to be an amazing feature!


Talking off runway 27
25mins later.
Just arrived at the sea, still unable to go up.

Yes but live flight only works with auto nav on PC not for us superior Mac users ;)

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You mean Superior Windows users? I want Cam to add fuel calculations, too, tho

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He did say though that it was made by someone else so that’s the only reason you have it but maybe he would add new things who knows

The LNAV/VNAV was made by me and I do not have any OSX developer tools so I did not add it to the OSX version. Cam hasn’t had time to port it over.

It is just another reason not to buy a Mac. :)

I suppose you could run it on Parallels or whatever the Windows VM is on OSX.

The version in IF should be faster and smoother since it won’t be through the network and API. It can basically just set heading to “Bearing to Next” which is already coded appropriately.

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What is LNAV

Here is a good description:


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What is that

@AlotQuestions, until Fuel Burn comes out. Then no more. lol

Non directional Beacon, Distance Measuring Equipment, VHF omnidirectional range. They are basically a way of navigating IFR should your aircraft/airport not be equipped with ILS. You navigate from VOR to VOR and then arrive on a bearing to a track using NDB and DME to airfield for landing.

You basically fly the information provided on an approach plate and then when you drop out of the cloud the runway is somewhere near with any luck,

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Can you show actual screenshot please?

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From Laura’s Insta when she fixed LNAV, her aircraft is following the Fpl now :)

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Looking forward to this. I tried using LiveFlight Connect, but I think it crashed my game (especially when used with my yoke). Also, this can be offline. Good for transatlantic flights when you go afk. I’m hoping you’ll be able to input flight levels into the FLP.

Will we have VNAV as well?

I would do that above my destination airport in case I come back late, I don’t wanna see my plane crashing while im gone.

The yanks did it themselves