Ever since we all got the new servers from the big recent update, I have noticed numerous times that the weather conditions in the servers don’t reflect the real world weather as they used to do.
Here’s an example from today morning. In Savannah (KSAV) real world information indicate strong winds at surface level up to 34kts whilst on Expert Server is only 11kts.
A second example that unfortunately didn’t take screenshots, was on the 19/09/24 at EKCH. Winds were supposed to be coming from the southwest at 24kts and on the Expert Server they were coming from the Northeast at 7kts.
The multiplayer server have nothing to do with this specifically, so the changes you mention are unrelated.
The METAR is what you should be looking at. We pull the METAR for airports every 30 minutes from an external source. There are however cases where the METAR is unavailable for certain airports and then we have to rely on the most recent available one.