LIRF/FCO modernization

Looking carefully at the numbering of the car parks of Piers A and B of the airport I noticed that Pier A is still under construction but in reality it was inaugurated a while ago, it would be nice with the opportunity to give a detailed look to the largest airport in Italy with the reworking of the satellite (international pier) and the correction of the control tower which was not correctly created. For the Italian community it would be nice to see many other liveries and obviously with patience other planes

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Thanks for reporting this issue and welcome to the community! LIRF’s received some fixes in the past few updates that seems to have overwritten some of the older progress on this terminal. I’ll look into this and see if the team can get this new terminal updated and out for release in a future update. Thanks! :)


Hi, a bit off topic, but could you also relay the following to the editing team so that it gets noted somewhere when the time comes for a LIRF update:

There is an entire strip of taxiway edge lights that is of the wrong color - green, instead of blue. It starts from the Cargo Apron, and then is on the left side of the taxiway, going from Cargo via D, down to EG, left on EG, down to EF and continuing on to the start of the 220/230 series remote parking stands more or less. Im writing from memory so this description might have some small mistakes.

I was thinking of creating a support topic for this, but this one beat me to it, and im currently unable to send screenshots since im flying ;)

Thanks in advance!

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I checked and confirmed the green lights problem

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Will get this looked into as well, thanks for the report!

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