Linking Discord account to IF issues

Hello, I’ve been having some issues linking my discord account to infinite flight, anyone know what I should do?

Device: IPhone 12
Operating system: IOS 18


I’ve been having the same issues on my S9 plus

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I think I’ll send an email to Infinite flight about the issue, I don’t think I’ve done anything incorrectly during the process to result with this issue

okay, its been 24 hours so I should think someone from support will respond soon

oh wow. what email did you use to contact them?

[email protected]

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You should probably email them considering your using an Android device, the person in the email only mentions IPhone’s having this problem

That’s me!

On Androids it should work since you can tilt the device to portrait mode there when in the browser window that should show the “Authorize” button @Jay8. This we tested.


Thanks for helping out!

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The thing is, when I press the unlink button to link it and it goes to Chrome on portrait mode; before the “Authorize” button even pops up, I get an error code. I get an error code 8 though, not 4.

Not following, you’re already linked… so what’s the issue in this case?

Already linked? It’s says unlinked and when I try to link, I get an error code 8.


This have been linked since March 2023.

wowzers, okay thanks for that. I just found it and rejoined but the bot is telling me I don’t have a pro subscription. It also says that if I purchased Pro after joining the server, I’ll have to wait up to 24 hours to be given access to the server. Is that the same case here?

You don’t have an active subscription from what I can tell.

I do, username is 7B084840 because I get the same error as well when I try to link to the community forum

That’s another account. Hence the issues you’re having.

Would you like me to merge them?

Yes please I’d appreciate that. Apologies for the long response

were you able to merge them? @schyllberg