Likes Not Showing On Screen


I would like to report that a new issue has recently appeared in which likes are not displaying on screen after being received. Specifically, when someone likes my post, and I am notified, clicking the notification will send me to my post without the like being shown on screen. Once I refresh, it is back to normal, although the time is indefinite, so it is not a matter of recency. If you are experiencing a similar issue, comment below so I can try to see if our situations are comparable/similar.

Any support would be appreciated!


Sorry, it’s possible somebody liked your post and then unliked it

Just received a like on a post and can confirm I am able to recreate the issue (at least on my laptop).


I assumed so myself, however

so it does count.

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Looks like I’m not the only one. Do you remember this issue being present earlier? It came up today for me.

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No. I only noticed it once this topic was made and I got an “invisible” like.


To make things messier, it looks like if you are on the page your post was liked, it appears normally as well.

Hmmm. Well since the creation of the post half of my likes are normals, the other ghosts.

was able to replicate on discourse mobile app.

Wow, I’ve never seen this feature on Discourse before! Maybe it’s because I’m accessing the IFC through a browser, though.

@Anthony_Gulluscio accessed it through mobile, I did from browser-it seems to be from multiple sources.

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Nvm i able to reproduce this, but getting likes without notification in my case.

Might be a slightly unrelated issue in that case-can you check if it’s the same person liking your posts? If you receive more than three likes by one user in a short amount of time you will not be notified.

I’ll report this to Discourse. There was an update deployed recently so most probably related.


This worked for me when @If.EnglandYT just liked my post though.

I got the notification, tapped it and was taken to the post where the like shows.


I just got a notification of you replying to me. I’ve got no issues on my end.

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Okay, I’ll hold off with reporting this for a while. They might have deployed a fix for this without announcing it, I’ll check.


That’s the thing. We’re talking about likes, not replies.

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It’s working normally for me on likes too?

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Maybe IFC was just on a bad mood yesterday…