Level 1 violation appeal request

Hi! I need some assistance, is it possible to appeal my Level 1 violations? Because i was flying above FL100 at 340 knots, i might have over sped a bit and got 3 level 1 violations. I left my phone for 5 minutes to eat dinner.

Hoping that this can be appealed so i can start flying in expert again.


Unfortunately, Level 1 violations cannot be removed unless we, the Appeals Team, find that there was an issue in-app, which doesn’t seem to be the case for your flight. Remember to always pay attention throughout critical phases of the flight, such as climb and descent.

Any questions are welcome. Thanks!


Just to add on what @Jinco said

The maximum amount of Lvl 1 violations you can receive in one flight session are set to 3. This way, accidentally ending up in a situation like you did won’t restrict your server access.

However, if there’s been more times like this in the past 7 days - you will be set to Grade 2 until the first set of Level 1’s becomes more than 7 days old.


Level 1 violations cannot be appeal. Only level 2 and level 3 violations can be appealed. But these appealed need to be submitted before 7 days of receiving violation.
Hope you understand…

Understood, thanks for the reply and help though!