LAX Community Meetup 2025

This is in 9 months, if the fires would to last to that long then it would’ve probably reached Vegas or San Francisco.

Plus LAX was not directly affected in any way by the fires


Ok I live about 5 hours away from lax by plane. I doubt I could convince my mother to pull my brother and sister out of school to fly cross country just to stare at airplanes I would love to but I can’t

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Oh wow! Can’t wait!

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@Dan I will be there


See you there!


Hey, Dan, are they still open for an event in September at KLAX/LAX or canceled. Because there are still wildfires in the Los Angeles Area and I don’t know yet. You can for the info. Let me know. Thank you, Dan.

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The wildfires won’t be going into September most likely and either way, LAX is far away from the affected areas of the fires.

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Oh, I see. Alright. Thank you. Will you let me know.

The fires are already gone. They never affected LA proper or LAX @amaryahjohnson1996

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Hey, oh okay. Alright very well. If I can go visit these in September will be stopping by KLAX/LAX maybe or don’t so hope. My home is in Seattle and I don’t live in California. Let me know. Thank you.

There is no way I can because of school

Oh shoot I gotta go

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Haven’t been active for a while, but can’t pass this up for none other than old times sake!


@GHamsz is back 🎉🚀

I am local, so I just registered for the event. I have never been to one of these events, so I am curious to see how it is going to be. I am looking forward to it!


I signed up for 2, Linda and I will be there!