Laura's Fleet?

PRAY FOR CALIFORNIA everyone who is in the area


@Humanguy is near it. The mountains are protecting his area

I’m flying back into LAX tomorrow morning and then I’ve got to drive north through the fires to Oxnard area. Crazy stuff out there


Thanks for the info I had no clue that the screenshot had already been debunked :)

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Just saw this flight hanging out at Burbank!


I’ve seen ‘Laura’s Fleet’ so many times as well!😅


What happened to all Laura’s fleet at JFK

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Looks like Laura is doing pretty well in Atari. No wonder she spends all her time parked at the airport.

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They are around the globe:

  • 772 at OMDB
  • CL35 at HPN
  • A318 at KBUR
  • MAX8 on its way to MMMX

They’ll be back :)


Pay a visit to İzmir ( LTBJ) :)

I saw it, something great must be coming I am speculating a party/fleet feature, or new aircraft maybe helicopter 😬

That makes it sound like you could build your airline and employ AI (?) to fly the aircraft

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747 was put in the game after the 767 was. I want the 747 too but the 767 is being neglected.


I’ve seen the 772 at Dubai over the past two days, the anticipation is killing me with the texan being uncovered to this mystery aircraft being found all over the world 🤯

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True, but if I were IF, I would rework the one with more demand. Prob 747 then either 767 or 787

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Yes but we just did a big plane (a380). There isn’t an in between Boeing plane that works. 737 fleet then the 757 and after that it’s the ultra long haul wide bodies. We need a small wide body . And a freighter is more important than a passenger. We have such an imbalanced size of cargo jets, need that size that can fly into a charlie size field. The 777F and 747F for example is too big to fly into smaller airports, that’s where the 767 is perfectly fit for that. I get the economics of the game, but it’s been sidelined for too long. At least the 747 has different variants available


Personally I want a F-14 rework right now


I’d prefer new 39 Gripen tbh

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True true .

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