Landings bug

Hello all,
I have gotten grade 3 and played on many grade 3 servers. With a 14:28 violation:landing ratio, I was at 0.50. However, for some reason, landings keep randomly disappearing! Just today I checked, and I am 14:27?! Can someone explain what is happening?

Also, what atc level to you need to report players? Because I was controlling on training server recently and someone was not following instructions.

Unfortunately, reporting players is reserved for trained IFATC, and is only on the Expert Server.

Here is a link to the IFATC post if you’re interested in applying.

As to the first part of your inquiry, I’m not sure what the issue could be. I do know that sometimes as the system auto-updates your landings and violation counts, it could give you a certain ratio in game and then revert that ratio once back out of the session. I’ve also heard that sometimes it takes time to for stats to update.

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Ah ok. I have applied to IFATC.

I do not think it was stats taking time to update because I had a 14:28 count before, and now it reads 14:27

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Where did you read this 14:28 ratio? Because I do know that I have looked at the little stat sheet they give after each session, but then exited and my stat sheet wasn’t updated. I don’t know what the problem is, but I think it’s been noted? However that would be very unfortunate if it was actually just dropping landings!

I am looking at my account stats that you can access from the Home Screen by clicking your profile icon in the top left of your screen, then clicking the arrow pointing > on the top right of the little page that pops up

Also I am iPad mini 5 and iOS 18.0.1

It’s based on your past 12 months of activity. That’s what the (12 months) mean.

So landings/violations that you have accumulated during these past 12 months, will show there. Things are disappearing because they have become older than 12 months.


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