Kuwait Airways B77W

Server: Expert
Time: 17:19, 17:21 (GMT+3)
Route: OKBK โ€“ OMDB
Aircraft: Boeing B777-300ER
Airline: Kuwait Airways


Very nice pictures! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ผ

Planning to fly with them soon :)

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Thanks! Have a good flight! :)

Nice pictures, I just completed an overnight in an Eva Air 77W after not flying the 777 for a while, suffice to say my landing wasnโ€™t great, hope your flight was better!

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Shows how beautiful the Kuwait Airlines livery is! Any short flight suggestions with them?

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I actually find it very hard to land in general.

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Try out OKBK-OMDB, OKBK-OTHH, OKBK-LTFM and others

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you can try okbk-vidp which is about 3 hours and 30
okbk-heca 2 hours and 20
okbk-ltfm 3 hours