Please only touch and goes at PMDY
To not confuse anyone, there are 2 closed runway at PMDY
I’m gonna escort
Guys last touch and go then we return back to PM64
When we are near Kure atoll we make some circles around the island and then land on runway 6
When we are back in a group we make a low pass over the island
@Munich453 @American367 im really sorry for having to go around so much
This has been such a nice and fun event! Thanks to everyone and I hope we fly again soon
You may now shut off your engines
No Problem
How long should we now stand here
Since we all returned back to Kure, we may now shut off our engines, log off and go back to IF home page
Thanks that was much fun for this evening
yeah I know right I make another group flight in a few days
Hope I that I can take Part
Sorry I couldn’t join I had something else going on, Maybe next time. Hope your guys flight went well.
Okay yes they did
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