KSFO is crazy right now: Approach Pics

I just flew into San Francisco from Denver, and the traffic was just crazy in KSFO (expert server). Here are some pics from my landing and approach, hope you enjoy!

Feel free to post your pics if you have any 😀


There were almost 235 Arrivals into SFO

This wasn’t on the same day as this in fact it was a month or 2 ago but it’s at SFO so here ya go:

I couldn’t get any pics from that flight though :(


I was in the line for takeoff for 1.5 hours!

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Yeah, it was a pretty crazy approach since all the planes were funneling into 28R and 28L, and sometimes the norcal approach would go offline and we had to fix the headings ourselves and try not to crash into each other. 🤣

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I was in line for a solid 1 hour. Guess what…

The app crashed right after takeoff

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Whattttt!!! (10)

For me it was Like just a clear Traffic taxi

Oh yeah… something similar happened to me in an event flight from LFTM I had to wait in line TWICE and I waited for 3 hours. I waited in line twice because my game crashed when I lined up on the runway