Koreanair With A Side Of Panning

First Long-Haul flight of 2025, couldn’t think of a topic name so I borrowed it from my last topic

Flight Briefing

Aircraft: Boeing 777-3B5(ER)
Airline: Korean Airlines [KE][KAL]

Flight Number: KE93
Callsign: KAL093

Time En-Route: 12:59

Departure Airport: Incheon International Airport, Seoul, South Korea [ICN][RKSI]

Arrival Airport: Washington-Dulles International Airport, Dulles, Virginia [IAD][KIAD]

Flight Route [OFP]

OPULO R580 OBOYD 6100N/17000W 6400N/16000W 6600N/15000W GOATS 6600N/13000W 6500N/12000W 6200N/11000W 5700N/10000W 4900N/09000W AGLIN 4500N/08600W CRL MGW GIBBZ5

KE93 pushing-back from ICN’s gate 232

KE93 taxiing to runway 33L via R11

KE93’s heavy departure out of Seoul, bound for Washington

Climbing to FL310, it’s first altitude in a series of step climbs

Cruising over northern Alaska at FL330

Cruising at FL350, KE93’s final altitude before TOD

KE93 descending over northern Virginia

KE93 slowing to a stop at IAD’s runway 01R

After 14 hours, KE93 pulls into IAD’s gate A31, waiting to do it’s returning flight, KE94

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