KLAX to MGGT using delta 757 2:30 lax time reply if you want to go I am delta flight 620

we are staring in any Tom Bradley terminal and taking off on runway 25 L And landing in MGGT in runway 02

**Summary: We will go to 30000 ft cruising

Server: causal server
Airport: KLAX to MGGT

Time: 2 30 pm lax time


*Create Event function: reply if you want to go with me in the skies

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Hey there!

I would copy and paste this time stamp below into your thread - that way people can see it in their time zone:


Yes 4 30 Guatemala City time my home

And are you going

Sorry, it’s at a very late time - takeoff is at 10:30pm for me, plus I’m probably going to be already doing a overnight flight at that point.

Safe flight :)

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Ok you also have safe travels bye

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So is someone else coming please come I don’t want to fly alone