Juney Gloomy @LAX

welcome to another spotting topic. this time we’re back at LAX again after flying into SNA earlier this morning.

the lineup for the day was pretty good although unfortunately it was still pretty hazy/foggy(?) which made some of the shots kinda tough to try and edit.

anyway onto the photos

DL A339 off to somewhere in Korea or Japan

new airline for me being NAC taxiing in after a north side arrival

2nd time catching the NY/NJ her art here livery departing for the east coast

a UA 78X departs for EWR

big austrian meat

this UA 753 flew about 35-40 minutes off the coast headed to HNL but then returned back to LAX for an unknown reason. 4 fire trucks were dispatched to meet it, but only 1 followed him to the gate

da jets 🗣️🗣️🗣️

Atlas 747 departing off 25R with the 2nd deck of an a380 in the foreground

🌟 alliance a330 off to toronto

hot take: a380 mid

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I departed from SNA today lol


Awesome shots! Stay tuned for a spotting topic tomorrow @ KDFW, by me!

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Ironically, last week a United 777 heading to HNL returned to LAX after takeoff because of smoke in the flight deck.

Nonetheless great photos!


landed at 8:05a in SNA from LAS

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If anyone knows me well on IFC… Then you know why this is my absolute favorite plane in the universe

totally wasn’t the plane that helped me do my longest flight ever at over 23 hrs

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I thought the fuselage said “NPC!” I was like, what? NPC Airlines? What’s that?

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Oh the irony


all my homies hate haze


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