Jossrun's ATC Tracking Thread - [CLOSED] @ N/A

Hello and welcome to my tracking thread for my upcoming practice sessions before I take my IFATC Practical Test. I encourage anyone to come and fly patterns, transitions and any kind of maneuvers to well diversify the amount activity any airspace will receive.

As always any and all kinds of constructive criticism will be appreciated and taken note of. I hope you all will look forward to participating and aiding me in this process. Have fun!

1 session planned for today

Airport: KLCK

Time: 0230Z

Frequencies Staffed: Tower and Ground

Duration: 30mins - 1hr

Specific Maneuvers/Scenarios : Parallel Runway Operations with Runway change and resequencing

Aircraft requested: 3 - 6

Server IFATC




Will be there

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Etihad 135VA

Always give pattern direction for inbound aircaft/aricraft switching runways

Good session, try to open an airport with intersecting runways or parallel runways though. This will further strengthen your skill.

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Thank you very much for participating. I will definitely do that next time.

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