Joel_Albert’s ATC Tracking Thread - [CLOSED] @NA PRACTICAL PASSED

The feedback of aviation_31 and Yukiros_31 is very detailed. First of all, I just applied for IFATC and have been studying recently. I think I have learned a lot.Of course I recommend you read the user guide carefully.

Introduction | Infinite Flight
And this video :

Good day!

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@aviation_31 @StarAviation thank you so much for your feedback and resources. i shall read them through. And most importantly thank you for joining ))) TYGD

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That means @aviation_31 when i sequence number 1 the pilot must know when to turn base. and he must be aware of the traffic behind him right? i should not give any instruction precisely when he should turn

Correct! When the pilot gets resequenced it is up to them to decide when to turn. If they decide not to turn in time, that is on them. That would mean they didn’t follow the sequence, and on ES you could report them for that. Now, if it was a close turn and they had to do it fast and were unable, I wouldn’t blame them for that. Always ensure there is time for them to make the turn. In my case there was, but that isn’t always the case.

Giving an instruction on when to turn (ex. turn base) is almost always used when you tell a pilot to extend a pattern leg. I can’t think of many other cases when it is commonly used.

If you have any more questions feel free to let me know!

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Awesome thats great. Thank you so much!!

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Status - Open

Server - Training

Airport - LFPG

Frequency - Tower/Ground

ATIS - 130 06knts

RWY usage - 09L/09R/08L/08R

@Yukiros_31 @aviation_31

Feel free to spawn and do anything including pattern work. TYGD!!!

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I have time to fly a pattern, give me just a minute and i’ll be there!

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awesome thankss

Thanks for having me again! Feedback F-LIER:

The transition needed to be at 3000 instead of 2000. Remember, airport altitude (LFPG is 390agl) plus 2500 ft, rounded up to the nearest 500-foot interval unless the total is less than 100 feet from the nearest 500-foot interval down. So 390+2500=2890, meaning I needed to be rounded up to 3000.

The go-around wasn’t needed as I had 2 nm until the threshold, and the aircraft on the runway was already rotating. In cases like this, wait until the aircraft is about to cross the threshold to issue the go-around. In my case, you would have realized that the aircraft taking off would have been cleared off the runway by the time I crossed the threshold. On another note, I know you didn’t clear them for takeoff and what they were doing was unpredictable, so not entirely your fault. It’s good that you had your eye on that as well because go-arounds are one of the most important parts of your test.

Sorry I couldn’t stay for longer, but tag me again next time around and I’ll try and get a few patterns in :)

Thanks for the service…got to go but I’ll try to find some time to debrief you later

Tag me as well when you open

See ya!

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ohh its plus 2500? i thought it was 1500 for jets. sorry

I’m not much of an expert with the spacing yet. Sorry for that go around. It’s still a bit hard for me to like judge from the location who to sequence first and all. I guess need more practice for that.

Dont wory mate. Im really happy that you joined ))

Thanks for your attendance and advice mate. TYGD!!!


No worries. Thank you so much for joining. Whenever you are free mate. No hurry )))). Thank you. i shall tag you too ))

Pattern altitude is 1000’ AGL for propellers and 1500’ AGL for jets.

Transition is Airport + 2500’ rounded up 😉

That way 1000’ is insured between your planes in patterns and planes in transition.


Roger. Thank youu)))

yeahh that makes sense coz i was scared about you both at the same altitude. nicee

Like 1 in pattern and 2 in transitions?

Give + 1000’ for second transition

It gives pattern @1500’ AGL
Transition 1 @ 2500’ (rounded) AGL
Transition 2 @ 3500’ (rounded) AGL

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i see. Perfect thank youu )))

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@J-F_V anwsered that one perfectly below!

No worries, that comes with time! What I would recommend is just sitting on the ground for a while at a busy airport on ES watching the traffic flow. This would give you an idea on timing and flow and whatnot.

Anytime man!

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yeahh sometimes i take a cessna and sit at a remote stand and listen to Tower ATC controller. 😉

Perfect then! I always found that to be a great way to learn when I applied for IFATC; awesome that you do the same.

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