Jetway not attaching properly

I found a jetway which is not connecting at the gate that’s meant to connect, but is connecting to the gate at its right instead. KSEA gate N14

Device: iPhone 15 Pro Max
Operating system: iOS 18.2

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Hi @Jose_Leon_Rivera thanks for the report. I’ve forwarded this to the editor assigned to KSEA and they’ll take a look. A fix will likely come in the next update.

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Ok thanks :)

bro wth I was literally at that exact gate yesterday heading to phoenix 🤣 noticed that too and didnt think much of it but an easy fix is to press “PAX” then press it again which will attach then re-attach and it should be fixed

i didnt actually mean to do this cuz for some reason my hand started shaking/stuttering at the right time which caused me to accidentally double-click “PAX” and it worked

God was playing with me lol

Wth, that actually does work! Because I was at that same gate a few days ago and I almost reported it but I figured someone else had already done so, so I forgot about it!

That is awesome! 😁
That has to be checked out.
Thanks for sharing that. 👍

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