Jet Mach Challenger 350 Denver-Centennial to San José del Cabo

Another Challenger flight, but this time to somewhere slightly warmer than Boston.

Server: Solo
Airline: Jet Mach
Aircraft: Bombardier Challenger 350
Origin: Centennial Airport, Denver, Colorado (APA)
Destination: Los Cabos International Airport, San José del Cabo, Mexico (SJD)
Flight Number: N/A
Seat: N/A
Time En Route: 2 Hours 40 Minutes

Boarding at the Denver Jet Center with the Rocky Mountains in the background

Rocket takeoff from Centennial

Cruising south over New Mexico…

…and continuing south over Old Mexico

Starting our descent over the coastline of Sinaloa and the Gulf of California

Final descent into SJD on the other side of the Gulf

Landing with yet more mountains to our right

Parked on the bizjet ramp


Nice pics!

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