Jet Bridge/Jetway Bug

So I’ve been experiencing this weird bug when parking on a Gate parking stand. instead the Jetway attaching after i click PAX, the stair truck spawn and does it, not only this once and not only in this specific airport but also happen in some airport, just hoping you guys fix it soon.

Device: Xiaomi 13T
Operating system: Android 14 • HyperOS

Hey and welcome to the community!

Whenever this issue occurs, please send a screenshot along with the Airport and specific gate where this happened. The airport editor will make a fix for the following update.


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Hi! You said not only on that airport? Do you ever try the jetbridge couple time on the same spawn point? Does the jetbridge connected? Or you didn’t try it multiple times? May i know those airport you say “some” ?

Nevermind, the reviewer has handle this. Have a good day!

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