Jet 2 757 200 sunrise landing Ibiza

Jet 2 landing smoothly into early morning Ibiza from Manchester, 757 200

757 200 landing into Ibiza from Manchester. Flight time 2H,00. Expert Server. Cruise flight level370, Mach 0.84


.84? Speeding a little?😁

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Lol, even though it’s a narrow body, I have a pilot friend who has said he’s had it a .84 but it guzzles the gas. He says .81-.82-.83 is normal operating range


Stunning picture!

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Nope, Perfectly fine, the 757 is the most powerful narrowbody in the skies. I agree with @WT_Gray though,

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Thank you!!

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Don’t mind me, just been ingrained by Infinite Flight’s Tutorial video on Mach 0.78 - 0.80


Cool pictures

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Thank you @Nezumi