JeppyG's ATC Tracking Thread - Closed [PASSED]

Thank you! Yes, I can’t keep track of the sequence. Brain go brr. 😭

Okay, here’s my self-assessment, please give me some tips:

  • I find it hard to keep track of the sequence, maybe this is just a ‘have to get used to it’ thing.
  • I get distracted by the planes on the ground I feel like they’re random spawns. :(
  • I’m super nervous I can’t believe it! I panic. Another one of the ‘get used to it’ thing.
  • Similar to point number 1, I can’t keep track if I’ve given the clearance on this pattern, or if my clearance (from the history) was for the previous pattern.

I think my first and last point is my biggest weakness currently. And if the third point improves, I guess remembering stuff (point 1 and 4) will too, since I can concentrate more.

Please advise uwu

Feedback (LN-WIN)

  • T/O and first pattern: Good job with ground, t/o clearance and t&g clearance on first pattern.
  • Upwind conflict: When I requested a change to rway 34R, there was a plane departing at the same time slightly behind me. The best thing to do here is to extend me upwind, then have me enter right downwind with a sequence, this way the sequencing is clear and I don’t turn directly into the departing aircraft.
  • 2nd pattern: after rway change, remember that I need a pattern direction with the option clearance (this way I know for sure which way to go). My option clearance was very late and that’s why I called g/a, be sure double check clearances (especially if an aircraft is reporting position).

Overall for a first session it was pretty good, especially given that there was a fair amount of traffic! Keep up the good work and am sure you will have all this in no time.

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  • The transition could be 2500, since the altitude of the airfield is almost zero. As a rule, airport altitude + 1500 (pattern) + 1000 (minimum separation).
  • Good job on sequencing and clearance. To make it easier, you can sequence and clear immediately after turning downwind, this can prevent you from getting confused, and if a resequence is necessary, you won’t need to clear again.

But anyway, great work, especially with a large amount of traffic. In training you usually start with 5, but you have demonstrated that you do well with 8, which is more common during testing.

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No worries, a lot of this just come with practice. Especially with regard to sequencing, for the most part your responsibility is to give the sequencing, it is then the pilot’s to monitor their separation.

Remember to prioritize traffic on close finals first (since missed g/a’s are autofails). Ground will always be somewhat random arrivals and stressful, key is to don’t panic and use reminders if needed. Some people also use color coding to help remember things like aircraft departing, arriving, and patterns.

Thank you! I’ll try to review the replay for these things.

And yes I forget if sequences/clearances have been given, I wasn’t expecting a lot of planes!

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Copy. I reviewed the airport before starting and I decided for 3,000 to be extra safe. Noted for the 2,500 if it’s almost 0.

And thank you for that tip of sequencing/clearing after turning downwind.

Thank you for this!

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try to open in more unknown airports, this makes it easier to prevent randoms.

As I said in my review, sequencing and clearing on the downwind makes it easier to follow sequence, you don’t need to wait until the base or final.
Try to place traffic on the respective runway side whenever possible. If it is necessary to change runway in the downwind, you must resequence everyone behind him for both runways, so that everyone knows who to follow, but there is no need for a new clear.


Got it! I worry too much lol.

Copy! Will keep in mind.

This is a good idea. For reminders, I haven’t used those ever, I’ll try that soon.

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Thanks again. I thought OMAA is kinda unknown XD.

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My tips for sequencing would be to use the assign colour code functions; you can use them either to label sequences (example: yellow - 1, blue 2) or label runways (yellow - xxL, blue xxR). I personally used them to indicate sequence, but one constraint is having to rearrange all the colours once the first is done with their option.

The nervousness will take some time to get used to as you’ve pointed out, especially once you begin your official training sessions!

To build upon @Emanuel_Jrs point about transitions: if the airport elevation is less than 100ft, you can just give 2500ft. If it’s above 100ft then: elevation + 2500ft (then round up to nearest 500ft)


Hi! @JeppyG

Feel free to add me to the ping list as well, might be able to make some sessions even though they’re really early on my time zone :))

Thanks, will do. Ya timezones suck. 😆

Add me to the ping list!

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Helloooo, added. Thanks! I’ll open tonight, while it’s still the weekend (in about 10 hours from now).

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I’ll join the ping list

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Thank you! Added.

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Opening before the work week starts.

ICAO: RJBB, Open now.
Frequencies: Ground and Tower
Duration: At least 30 minutes

Ping List


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I’ll join!

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Nice job re-sequencing oh-att!