Japan Air 65 Heavy! San Diego-Narita | Boeing 787-9

                                Japan Air 65 Heavy

Hello! Today I am going to be sharing my journey of my 10 hour and 48 minute flight to Tokyo Narita from San Diego! I have been wanting to do this flight for a very long time and yesterday I finally decided that I was going to do it! But let’s get right into it! Note- this is my first screenshots and video post, so let me know how I did!

Route- San Diego (SAN) to Tokyo Narita (NRT)
Flight Time- 10 hours 48 minutes
Aircraft- Boeing 787-9
Call sign- Japan Air 65 Heavy (JAL)
Airline- Japan Airlines

At Gate 48 preparing for a afternoon departure to Tokyo

Starting the taxi to Runway 27

V1 rotate! Here we go! Off to Tokyo!

Now over LAX

Now San Francisco!

Blood Orange MOON SUNRISE!

Starting the Decent into Narita! Look how massive these engines are!

Dropping the gear! Now on Final, runway 34L

100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, TOUCHDOWN! A smooth Landing into Narita.

At gate, with passengers and cargo deplaning from a long 10 hour and 48 minute flight!

I hope you enjoyed!

What was your favorite photo?

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As much as how good these photos are - you are unfortunately limited to a maximum of 10 photos per thread.


The blood moon shot is so good!


Thank you!

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Oh ok, do you think it would be ok to keep it?


No it won’t the rule is strict. You have to delete those pictures or else this topic will be closed.


Yeah unfortunately you must. I remember I did the same thing with my first screenshots topic, it was annoying as I wanted to keep all of them as they were super good. But i had to lol 😂

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Got u, I’m changing it

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How can I vote for all of them if I liked all the photos?

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I think I only set it to one, I should have set it to all. Thank you for liking them!

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The MoonShot 🤩

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Isn’t the SAN-NRT flight JL65? Awesome photos, by the way!

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Oh your so right, whoops I’m fixing that. I had the right number when I actually did the flight but thanks for noticing!

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Thank you so much!

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