Ivory Horizons: Abidjan fly-in |22FEB25|

Ivory Horizons: Abidjan fly-in|16FEB25|

Summary: Hello! Welcome to the fly-in taking place at Abidjan’s Félix-Houphouët-Boigny International Airport in Côte d’Ivoire. Abidjan, often called the “Paris of West Africa,” is a vibrant and culturally rich destination. With its stunning Ébrié Lagoon, lively atmosphere, and breathtaking landscapes, this event promises a unique and unforgettable experience.
Join me and other pilots as we converge in Abidjan for this exciting event. This will be the final event in a 4-part series Wings Over the West: A West Africa Takeover aimed at boosting traffic in West African airspace, which is often underutilized despite the region’s incredible destinations and opportunities for aviation enthusiasts.
Thank you to everyone joining us for this memorable fly-in to Abidjan!

About Cote D’ivoire

Airport: Félix Houphouët Boigny International Airport (ABJ/DIAP)

Date: February 16th, 2025

Arrival time : 2025-02-16T15:00:00Z

Server: Expert Server

Please pick a route suitable for you and your timezone

International Routes
Flight No. Airline Aircraft Dep. Airport Dep. Time Flight time User
QR1424 Qatar Airways B788 OTHH 0630Z 8 hrs 30 min
ET513 Ethiopian Airlines B788 KJFK 0650Z 8 hrs 10 min
TK561 Turkish Airlines A333 LTFM 0800Z 7 hrs
SN399 Brussels Airlines A333 EBBR 0900Z 6 hrs @MPH258
ET947 Ethiopian Airlines B38M HAAB 0900Z 6 hrs @Yannis_Kouame
AF702 Air France B77W LFPG 0900Z 6 hrs @Henri_Kouakou
AF704 Air France B772 LFPG 0900Z 6 hrs
ET935 Ethiopian Airlines B788, B772 or A359 HAAB 0920Z 5 hrs 40 min
KQ520 Kenya Airways B738 HKJK 0920Z 5 hrs 40 min
SS984 Corsair A339 LFPO 0920Z 5 hrs 40 min
MS884 EgyptAir B738 HECA 0940Z 5 hrs 20 min @EgyptAirVirtualGroup
TU397 Tunisair A319 DTTA 1000Z 5 hrs
AT533 Royal Air Maroc B738 or B788 GMMN 1100Z 4 hrs
HC303 Air Senegal A339 GOBD 1240Z 2 hrs 20 min
SA56 South African Airways A333 DGAA 1400Z 1 hr
EK787 Emirates B77W DGAA 1410Z 50 min
Cargo Routes
Flight No. Airline Aircraft Dep. Airport Dep. Time Flight time User
N/A Turkish Cargo B77L LTFM 0800Z 7 hrs
N/A Ethiopian Cargo B77L HAAB 0920Z 5 hrs 40 min

*For more information on these flights, check Flightradar24.
*All departure times are different based on flight.
*Fly-outs will also be accepted with the departure time being the same as the arrival time.

Gate Assignments will come soon.

ATIS Ground Tower Approach Departure Center
@kadengg @kadengg @kadengg

  • Please use the appropriate aircraft and follow the given time of departure.
  • I will not be responsible for any violations received throughout this fly-in event.
  • Spawn in at least 15 minutes before your given departure time.
  • Other flights to DIAP will also be accepted but make sure it is realistic.
  • Try to follow IRL procedures and be realistic.
  • Return flights will also be accepted.
  • Always follow ATC’s instructions at all times.
  • If ATC isn’t online, follow the Unicom respectfully.
  • Remember to have fun and enjoy !

Be sure to check out the other events in the series taking place during the month of February!
Lagos Lift-off: Lagos fly-out|01FEB25|
Skies of Gold: Accra fly-in |08FEB25|
Senegal Skies: Dakar fly-out |15FEB25|


Local ATC for this too 😅

Cmon people

Haha thanks lol

i’ll take this one

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You’re all signed up thanks!

I will be in college by there

I’d also recommend altering the date of your event by a couple of days-February 17 is well beyond the 60 day limit given for community Events.

it is 65 days for this event

Yeah I am aware of that thanks! Like what you recommend, I will alter the date to an earlier date and then change it back once it is within the 60 day limit since I need it to be on the 22nd for the series. Thanks for reminding!!

i can no longer attend sorry, merry christmas btw (if you celebrate)

Alright thats fine and merry christmas to you too!

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You are ivoirian ?

Nope, I hail from Singapore haha @Yannis_Kouame I meant local ATC meaning I’d staff Ground and Tower (and not radar ATC)

I take HAAB- DIAP (ET 947)

Alright thanks Ill sign you up!

I guess you’re Ivorian seeing your name, I see you flying a lot in Ivory Coast with another player moussy_diaby


I will be on this flight Air France B77W LFPG 0900Z 6 hours

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Oui oui je suis ivoirien et je te vois aussi en Afrique toi et lui

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Welcome to the community!!!

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Wow c’est bien! Je parle français car mon professeur est Ivorien aussi. Je veux vraiment aller en Côte d’Ivoire mais je ne suis plus en Afrique haha.

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Alright Im gonna sign you up thanks

I’ll have this one please!

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