Issues with the multiplayer connection

Hello, good morning, afternoon or evening, last night I was making a flight departing ATL and arriving at the destination near the landing the multiplayer service began to fail, it began to put the red alert sign and then another reconnection sign came out and tried to reconnect but it put the warning sign in red again, I assumed it was my internet failure because sometimes (not many) the red symbol appeared, but quickly returned the connection and continued on my flight, but since yesterday and now I want to join the Flash Flight to Sydney I still have this connection problem, and I don’t know how to solve it, I already restarted my device to see if it worked and nothing, I looked if there would be any update and nothing, if someone can guide me to solve it, I would appreciate it.

images of the alert signs


I’m having the same issue.


me too right now


Yeah, someone told me to restart the device, restart the internet to solve this issue, but this didn’t work for me, i think this is a problem from the sim, so i feel better beacuse i’m not the only one with this issue, i will wait to see if the issue is solved in the next hours.

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Did anyone get a resolution to this? I’ve had the same issue for over 24 hours across multiple devices & providers.

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No yet bro :(

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not for me yet

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