Is there emergency’s?

I am wondering if there is emergency’s because I want to know what its like and if there is, is it only for Pro or is it for everyone?

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The only “emergency” in Infinite Flight are fuel emergencies which can be declared to ATC based on a few parameters (so yes - you technically need Pro to use it).

You can vote for more emergencies in the game here:


Ok thanks I just said please add engine fires as a reply to it

I believe you can use the app infinite passengers and it’ll start an emergency. Like “flaps failed”.

Unfortunately you can still use your flaps in game but I think it’s a cool feature nonetheless.

You can also request to divert to another airport of your choosing; however, it doesn’t specify why you would like to divert. Also, I’m pretty sure ATC can deny your diversion request. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong—I’ve never had to use it.

Cool I will give that a try!

Annoyingly I don’t have infinite flight pro

Great question! Yes, Infinite Flight has emergency scenarios, including engine failures, system malfunctions, and more. These are available to everyone, but Pro subscribers get access to more advanced features, such as the ability to simulate more complex emergencies, like diverted landings or approach issues. It’s a great way to practice handling unexpected situations!

Also, if you’re looking for even more realistic flight experiences and emergency scenarios, you can check out the app Infinite Passengers. It adds a layer of realism by simulating passengers onboard, and even features emergency situations that you can respond to during flights. Definitely a fun way to test your skills!

Well not exactly


Not exactly no, but near enough.

So how do you enable the emergency’s without infinite flight pro

I’m sorry, but this is just plain wrong…

You can’t. There’s a reason it’s a feature request

lol thats what i thought

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