Is the 787 Nice to fly?

Hi there!
I was wondering if the 787 family is a good aircraft to fly as it doesn’t have a live cockpit? I’ve wanted to use it but am just not sure weather I should. Any ideas?

It is a great aircraft and it handles really well, I’m pretty sure you can use APPR on the 787 if you’re worried about that


Personally, I’ve only flown it once, but it was nice to fly. It handled great and was easy to operate. I recommend trying it at least once, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to fly it again. But definitely give it a shot—it’s worth it.

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From my experience, the 787 isn’t the best aircraft in the fleet but its OK. It does seem to behave a bit sensitively to inputs so maybe turn down the sensitivity settings when flying it.

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It is a fun plane to fly! Just to remember rotate and climb gently during takeoff.


Also this. The 787 sits quite low compared to other aircraft so you only want to pitch up to around 7’ degrees or so before you actually lift off the ground - otherwise you’ll tailstrike the aircraft.


Oh okay, thanks for the help!

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The B787 Family is pretty decent in IF there are planes that are better and some that are worse. I would say its in the Middle!

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Okay! That’s good to know :)

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Hold forward pressure on the nose wheel during the take-off roll until rotation speed, to keep the nose from rising prematurely, and you should be good.

Especially if you take off with any nose up trim, but even with neutral trim.

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When I fly the 787, it’s for the liveries and routes, definitely not for the aircraft, the flaps are broken, winglets are not aligned with the wings, no live cockpit, weird physics.


It’s okay at best. A bit of an older model so what can you expect really. Super twitchy and the -9 and -10 hate to get off the ground (need a lot of angle). You need to keep nose-down pressure on all of them else they will rotate on their own.


I was just testing multiple take-offs in the -9 and -10 with different combinations of winds and load, because I haven’t flown them in a while.

I had no significant complaints really, and smoothness in control returned with several repetitions even fully loaded in strong crosswinds.

As usual, practice makes perfect (or as close as possible anyway).

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as someone who prefers flying aircraft with modeled cockpits and interiors (essentially new models) the 787-9 and -10 are both okay to fly, despite having pretty unrealistic performance values. one thing I like about the 789 in particular is its speed and fast rate of climb

I like it, even though it’s not the latest one out there. It can also do Mach 1.3 if you’re patient enough


It’s a VERY good plane for long flights.

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Its an amazing aircraft, I fly it often, we need it reworked soon hopefully.

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I did an ULH (Ultra Long Haul) from Perth to Paris with Qantss operating as flight QF/QFA33. 17:05 hrs of flight time is pretty impressive for that aircraft! Honestly recommend it

okay. we have a large number of liveries, a more or less normal 3D model, and good hydraulics. but, we have a sharp sensitivity and a bad cockpit.
overall 7/10


Its still doable. Pretty good quality overall. Give it a 8.5/10 because of the sensitivity of the handling.

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