Bumping this livery. Would be amazing having it, + all the routes that could be flown with this livery and aircraft combo!
Iran is a very underrated Country in Infinite Flight, Iran has such Beautiful Scenery and lots of older aircrafts still in Operation like the A310,A300,MD80s ect… Its a real shame we don’t have more Iranian Liveries in IF.
Didn’t knew Tehran was so beautiful, I mainly know the city for their amazing modern brickwork architecture. An underrated country for sure.
As an Iranian I still can’t comprehend why infinite flight haven’t put in either an Iran Air A319, A320 or A321
Its time to vote for your national carrier then! 😉
I would love to fly this in and out of KWI!
Then make sure to vote for it. 😊
Out of votes sadly 😢.
This livery would be a great additon to the game and to expand the existing 1 Iran Air livery.
Definitely we need a narrowbody livery for Iran Air in IF!
Just vote for the request. Every vote counts. The more the higher the chances for it to come.