Device : Iphone 14
Operating system : ios 17.5.1
Why my phone got so hot after I joined the server? I just bought the phone a few days ago!
It starts to lagg when I enter the server
July 27, 2024, 10:04am
You might wanna check your graphic settings. If you have set everything to high then due to constant rendering the phone will get heated up.
July 27, 2024, 10:05am
Hi and welcome to the community!
Please see this post:
iPhone 14
OS: iOS 17.2.1
Hardware: Apple A15 Bionic, 6GB
Rendering Quality: High
3D Object Density: High
Rendering Resolution: High
Texture Quality: High
Anti-Aliasing: On
Frame Rate: 60FPS
Airplane Count : Very High
Notes: With it’s awesome 20-hour battery life and stellar performance, this phone has no issue running Infinite Flight on max graphics. As per usual, I’d recommend turning off anti-aliasing and turning on limit frame rate to aid in reducing heat and improving bat…
And these tips:
August 3, 2024, 10:05am
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