Ipad or phone

my ipad always crashes on final and i have an iphone 13, would it be worth playing on my phone or stick to the big screen

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Use iPhone at least U can play properly

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I play on the iPad and it works very well for me. The app very rarely crashes🥲


What iPad do you have?
Some things to consider is how much your iPad is taking in from the game such as high textures, many airplanes, and other related things. If it heats up then thats normal, unless is excessively hot. Those things can cause crashes.

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8th gen iPad

I have the latest version of an iPad and I close all my other apps besides infinite flight try closing your apps should help

It just crashed again, I have done that and turned my graphics down, looks like the phone is the only option

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If you want you could connect to a pc

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You should use the phone
I also played IF on a Ipad and it kept crashing on me

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I have a lot of connectivity issues with my Iphone 15 pro max…

Used to fly on my old Iphone 13 but that one got destroyed by the game, which was my own fault…
If you tend to fly on your Iphone 13, make sure to use the ‘circle cam’ as often as possible when away from your device… I flew for over a week within the same session between AMS and SFO and ended up with some nice burnmarks in my screen…


Another thing is brightness. If you keep your brightness all the way up when you’re using it, that can cause a lot of heat. What I do is I put brightness around 75% and then when the airplane is climbing or descending above 10,000-13000 feet i keep brightness all the way down or slightly up since i wont be needing the brightness as much. Especially when you’re cruising, keep your brightness all the way down to avoid overheating.

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i use ipad because it never really crashes, it operates fine, it has a bigger screen (because i suck at using a smaller screen) and it’s the only option.

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