Hey guys I have a Apple Developer account, and I had decided to update to iOS 9…
Sadly IF is not working on iOS 9. I recommend all people to stay away from this update if you want to continue playing Infinite Flight
@matt & @philippe hey guys just making sure you guys are aware! Hope to be able to see a fix soon.
Thanks! :) I know you guys are working hard
Anything notable about iOS 9 or is it just another update (Such as iOS 4 to 5)
Best, Boeing707
I thought the trackpad like feature makes life easier. However, nothing too much has changed. Just some cosmetic tweaks
The app doesn’t even open just goes to immediate crash. I can send crash reports of the devs need it.
Ok thanks. That’s a shame :frowning:
Guess I won’t upgrade to the next system unless I absolutely have to, to run apps.
Best, Boeing707
I would recommend updating later on when they release to the public, but as of now not so much!
Not surprising. New software releases does have a reputation of breaking everything. Like what Lollipop did.
I would probably say you should update when they release it because iOS 7.0+ uses 4 giga-bytes of the system storage, but now in iOS 9 they have limited the iOS ipsw itself to 1.5 giga-bytes. This can be very useful to use the memory for more important things (like buying more planes!)
Good news! - found an extra iPhone to use (on iOS 8.4)
I declined iOS 9
I’m excited about the potential for iOS9 and IF. Split-screen multitasking on iPad could make it possible to run a separate ATC app or chat to connect with other controllers on the server to provide better synced service.
sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant…
That’s a really great idea!! I recommend you put this on the feature section!
Or I do Picture-in-Picture so I can fly while watching a movie :)
Sean, i think it only works on the iPad Airs, not the minis, the multitasking won’t work on my Mini ;-(
Slide Over is supported by the iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, and iPad Air 2. Fullscreen side-by-side is supported only by the iPad Air 2.
LOL…thanks for the info…i just wont update until it’s fix…lol
No problem!
Pls give us updates on the situation if any