Introducing Flight Resume!

I would assume the first and last segments have additional time added because the replay is recording time not flight time. The flight time widget is probably accurate.


Does it keep you on expert if you resume it or does it solo you?

You stay on the server you chose when you initially started the flight.

so if i end the flight at night then resume the next day after school will it still be there???

Yes it will.

Awesome, thank you!

Today i noticed some bugs after flight resume with the A380. IF crashed while cruising altitude but i could continue flying with flight resume and thats good. But on final. The aircraft could not reduce the speed like normal. With flaps full. Speedbrakes and gear down. The aircraft was not heavy.

Do you have a screenshot of the HUD view or a replay which shows the conditions of the excessive descent speed resilience you referred to?

Anything is possible but it seems unlikely the crash at cruise would affect the descent drag profile.

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Here is the great references

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After the Release of 24.4
My resume feature doesn’t work when I try to fly again

Does flight resume only works with just one device even though both my iPhone and iPad are on the same account?