Infinite Flight World Tour 2

The Infinite Flight World Tour 2 is a fun event featuring a curated selection of airports, seamlessly connected to create an unforgettable journey around the entire world. Building on the success of our original world tour, this event challenges pilots to circumnavigate the world by flying a leg of the tour each day throughout February. With 28 days in the month, there will be 28 interconnected routes, guiding participants back to their starting point as they complete this epic 47,000 NM adventure… that’s approximately 103 hours of flying!

More details

How will it work?
Just like before, the concept is straightforward. This time, we’ve made it even simpler and more accessible for everyone to join in. Each day throughout February 2025, a featured flight leg will be highlighted, and these routes will also be reflected in the IFATC schedule. As the month unfolds, you’ll embark on a journey around the globe, flying a variety of airlines and aircraft in and out of diverse airports. By day 28, you’ll touch down back in Los Angeles, completing the full circle of this world tour.

Similar to the ATC schedule, each route will officially be considered as the “live” or “featured” route for a 24-hour period, running from 0600Z to 0600Z each day. This extended timeframe ensures maximum flexibility, making it easier for participants across all time zones to join in and enjoy the experience.

Servers 📶

This is an ALL SERVERS event. However, we encourage both pilots and ATC to use the Expert Server as the main server for the best experience. If you wish to follow along on the training & casual server, you are welcome to do so!


Below is all the information you need for each leg of the IFWT2. We’ve also included special links to launch each flight for Expert Server pilots. If you have access to the Expert Server, you can press the Start Flight link. This will automatically launch Infinite Flight, spawning you at a random gate with the featured aircraft/airline for that specific route.

NOTE: We are testing this link feature! The flight plans have been generated ahead of time. You’ll need to update the SIDs and STARs as necessary, depending on the active runways at the time of your flight. You’ll also need to fuel up and configure your weight & balance. If you’re unable to use the start flight links due to not having access to the expert server, you can create your own flight plan with SimBrief!

LEG 1: KLAX - MMMX (FEB 1st)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
1 Los Angeles (KLAX) to Mexico City (MMMX) AeroMexico 737 MAX 3:00 1,453 NM 9,767 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 2: MMMX - MPTO (FEB 2nd)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
2 Mexico City (MMMX) to Panama City (MPTO) Copa Airlines 737-800 3:00 1,338 NM 11,947 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 3: MPTO - SPJC (FEB 3rd)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
3 Panama City (MPTO) to Lima (SPJC) Copa Airlines 737-800 3:12 1,343 NM 11,947 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 4: SPJC - SCEL (FEB 4th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
4 Lima (SPJC) to Santiago (SCEL) LATAM A320 3:09 1,352 NM 12,369 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 5: SCEL - SBGL (FEB 5th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
5 Santiago (SCEL) to Rio de Janeiro (SBGL) SKY A320 3:34 1,655 NM 13,844 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 6: SBGL - KMIA (FEB 6th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
6 Rio de Janeiro (SBGL) to Miami (KMIA) American 777-200ER 8:00 3,767 NM 58,169 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 7: KMIA - CYYZ (FEB 7th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
7 Miami (KMIA) to Toronto (CYYZ) American 737 MAX 2:35 1,144 NM 8,410 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 8: CYYZ - KJFK (FEB 8th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
8 Toronto (CYYZ) to New York (KJFK) Air Canada E175 1:10 441 NM 4,441 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 9: KJFK - EGLL (FEB 9th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
9 New York (KJFK) to London (EGLL) Virgin Atlantic A339 6:15 3,067 NM 38,451 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 10: EGLL - LIRF (FEB 10th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
10 London (EGLL) to Rome (LIRF) British Airways A320 2:15 903 NM 10,362 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 11: LIRF - LTFM (FEB 11th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
11 Rome (LIRF) to Istanbul (LTFM) Turkish Airlines A333 2:00 872 NM 19,712 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 12: LTFM - HECA (FEB 12th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
12 Istanbul (LTFM) to Cairo (HECA) Egyptair 737-800 1:50 734 NM 8,858 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 13: HECA - HAAB (FEB 13th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
13 Cairo (HECA) to Addis Ababa (HAAB) Ethiopian A359 3:07 1,522 NM 28,585 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 14: HAAB - FAOR (FEB 14th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
14 Addis Ababa (HAAB) to Johannesburg (FAOR) Ethiopian 737 MAX 5:07 2,251 NM 15,560 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 15: FAOR - OMDB (FEB 15th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
15 Johannesburg (FAOR) to Dubai (OMDB) Emirates A380 7:41 3,682 NM 101,943 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 16: OMDB - VABB (FEB 16th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
16 Dubai (OMDB) to Mumbai (VABB) Flydubai 737 MAX 2:20 1,086 NM 7,682 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 17: VABB - VCBI (FEB 17th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
17 Mumbai (VABB) to Colombo (VCBI) Indigo A320 2:05 859 NM 10,894 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 18: VCBI - WSSS (FEB 18th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
18 Colombo (VCBI) to Singapore (WSSS) Srilankan A333 3:30 1,528 NM 27,320 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 19: WSSS - YSSY (FEB 19th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
19 Singapore (WSSS) to Sydney (YSSY) Singapore Airlines A380 7:30 3,562 NM 103,777 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 20: YSSY - VHHH (FEB 20th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
20 Sydney (YSSY) to Hong Kong (VHHH) Qantas A333 9:00 4,090 NM 58,856 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 21: VHHH - ZBAA (FEB 21st)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
21 Hong Kong (VHHH) to Beijing (ZBAA) Cathay Pacific 77W 2:42 1,150 NM 29,991 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 22: ZBAA - RKSI (FEB 22nd)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
22 Beijing (ZBAA) to Seoul (RKSI) Asiana Airlines 777-200ER 1:30 622 NM 17,047 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 23: RKSI - RJAA (FEB 23rd)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
23 Seoul (RKSI) to Tokyo (RJAA) Korean Air Cargo 777F 1:50 860 NM 24,511 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 24: RJAA - PHNL (FEB 24th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
24 Tokyo (RJAA) to Honolulu (PHNL) JAL 787-9 6:30 4,484 NM 40,300 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 25: PHNL - KSEA (FEB 25th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
25 Honolulu (PHNL) to Seattle (KSEA) Delta 757 5:34 2,395 NM 24,925 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 26: KSEA - CYYC (FEB 26th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
26 Seattle (KSEA) to Calgary (CYYC) Westjet Dash 8 1:32 425 NM 3,133 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 27: CYYC - KSFO (FEB 27th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
27 Calgary (CYYC) to San Francisco (KSFO) United 737 MAX 2:13 955 NM 7,637 kg START FLIGHT

LEG 28: KSFO - KLAX (FEB 28th)
Leg Route Aircraft Est. Duration Approx. Dist Fuel Flight Link
28 San Francisco (KSFO) to Los Angeles (KLAX) Southwest 737 MAX 1:00 331 NM 5,769 kg START FLIGHT


A few other things to note…

  • We encourage everyone to use the featured aircraft & airline for each route.
  • As always, expert server pilots are required to comply with IFATC and to follow ALL expert server rules. Failure to comply with ES rules will result in violations being issued.
  • Airports along the route will vary in size therefore delays are likely, especially during peak hours.
  • Infinite Flight staff will join in where possible. If you’d like to find out when staff members are flying, join our official discord server to chat with staff and other community members. It’s a great place to share your progress, find fellow pilots to fly with & have casual discussions!


How can I appeal my Level 2 or 3 Violation?

If reported by ATC on the Expert Server for an infraction you will be issued a Level 2 or Level 3 Violation. This may be appealed here on the Community Forum by sending a direct message to @appeals where you should provide your callsign, display name, location, details surrounding the report, and a replay file which can easily be uploaded here!

How do I get IFATC at my event?

IFATC members are encouraged to staff all community events around the world! While events aren’t featured on the schedule, community members may use the schedule locations to create future events with guaranteed traffic!

Head over to our Events category to begin creating. You can use helpful tags like atc-needed and atc-staffed to let controllers know where they’re needed.

How can I get my event featured?

Community Events are now a staple of the community with users creating awesome events for others to enjoy. We love incorporating your events into our official communications and live stream schedules! To get your event featured, all you have to do is create an event and publish it in Events. From here, our team will manually review these events each month and hand-pick the ones we would like to officially feature!

Click HERE for more information

What does it mean to have my event officially featured?

If your event is chosen to be featured, we will:

  • Advertise on our Official Discord channel before and during the event
  • Add it to the ATC Schedule
  • Highlight it on our social media channels
  • Pin the event topic to the IFC
  • Feature the event on the in-app home screen

Event Feedback

We value your input and would love to hear your thoughts on this event. Could you please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey about your experience? Your feedback will help us improve future events. Share your feedback here!


Woww this looks really interesting!!! Cant wait to fly for the world tour! Also good look to all the pilots including @Dan on this world tour and enjoy!!


oooooooooooh! This looks interesting…

Enjoy the tour everyone!


Epic! Have an awesome tour everybody!


Looking forward to this! Will get me lots of landings towards gr4


NEW YORK IS FEATURED! I will so be doing this but expect me to do it at my own pace lol


Love that Mumbai is featured this time and we got a different liveries for each route too!!


Here we go again 😅


Super excited!

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Thank you infiniteflight team number one

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@Dan Ima escort you in a f22 like i did the last world tour

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Looks like I’ll be going this!

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Hey, there’s a problem

This is a problem that I had seen before but I thought it was already solved but still


Didn’t you join in May lol?

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The community when I found out

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Hey! Simply remove the random waypoint :)


Dan could you go to my event???

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Dan is a busy aviator. If he would like to or is able to come, he would sign up. :)


Let’s goooo

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