Infinite flight violation glitch

I was on final at EGLL on runway 27L and for some reason the same ATC (EGLL tower on 118.5 which I was tuned on) kept telling me to switch frequencies to 118.5 which is odd because I was on 118.5 and 118.5 was telling me to switch to them. The ATC then gave me multiple warnings of please follow instructions or you will be reported but all I could so was keep switching to the same frequency again and again and keep requesting clearance for landing. As a result I ended up getting a level 2 violation which is quite unfair considering the situation I was in. Please have a look into this and get back to me. Thank you

I would advice you to appeal, remember to keep your replay, and then the appeal team will look at your report and decide whether it was fair or not. Could be that the ATC never received your messages, and therefore reported you.

Adding to what Sandus said, please consider reading through this topic linked below next time you have questions about violations or you think it was unjustified. Creating public topics is not the best way to solve these issues. Procedures for Appealing Violations and Providing ATC Feedback

Your appeal is being handled internally by the appeals team!

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