Infinite Flight Tower Frequency Procedures (Separation)

• 13:52:46Z: Aircraft #1 is cleared for takeoff.

• 13:54:51Z: Aircraft #2 instructed to lineup and wait (LUW) on runway 35R

Aircraft is on final for 35L

• 13:56:03 Z: Aircraft #3 requests permission to cross runway 35R.
– Aircraft #3 clears threshold in a relatively expeditious manner.

• 14:00:08 Z: Aircraft #2 is cleared for takeoff
[4 minutes later]

• 14:00:11 Z: Aircraft #4 is instructed to LUW.

Aircraft #2 is banking left and 5 miles away and above 5,000 ft.

• 14:04:00 Z: Aircraft #4 is cleared for takeoff—flight plan indicating right bank.
[4 minutes later]

I’m not entirely sure as to the point of this topic. Was this meant to be a DM to someone?


Could be, though there isn’t really an issue… to a point. Just seeing if I’m missing something or I am, also, noticing whoever is controlling Ho Chi Minh Center has disconnected and reconnected at least three times in the past 10 minutes. Not sure if the Center frequency issue is a server issue—there are “only” about 1,000 users on ES right now—though the tower controller never disconnected.

(Just pointing out anything that may seem off/strange.)

Tower Frequency Procedures (Separation) is related to ATC I would think. Typing out the situation and seeing if I can learn something (if I’m controlling) on what I should do in the future.

If you’re wondering, here are our rules for minimum tower separation.

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Cool! Thank you as always for your time and help, @aatogamer ! I really appreciate it!

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So, if I’m understanding the Departure/Departure portion correctly:

It is taught to IFATC that once an aircraft/user begins to turn crosswind (I guess ‘banking’ technically works but crosswind was the technical team, sorry!) that is when you can clear a waiting aircraft for takeoff?

The absolute minimum is when the departing aircraft rotates. Yes, as early as that. Usually we clear the next one when the departing aircraft passes the threshold of the opposite runway. That will usually provide a nice 3nm separation.

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Cool! Definitely gives me a great way to start controlling! Thank you again! 😄

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@lalabo and @BennyBoy_Alpha, is describing with written detailed information a situation you had with a tower frequency specifically regarding separation between departures not an ATC related topic?

You gave no context to the ATC log that you typed out, hence the confusion :)

Infinite Flight Tower Frequency Procedures (Separation) ? TOWER and SEPARATION? @lalabo