Infinite flight controls are not working properly

I wanted to do a test with connecting my Iphone to my PC trough LonelyScreen but when i tried to do landing my controls was not working properly yoke was almost not responding and not turning properly

someone help pls

Have you done this before, or is this your first time trying something like this? If you tried using unsupported software, the game might not recognize control inputs unless they’re made with supported equipment and software. After disconnecting from the PC and attempting to fly the conventional way using movements on your device, did it revert back to normal, or are you still unable to get the aircraft to respond? I’ve heard of people connecting Infinite Flight to monitors and PCs before, so it’s best to consult them about this. My suggestion is to always use what you know is compatible with it.

Infinite Flight is for mobile devices only, it isn’t designed to work on PC.

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yeah but i shared my mobile screen to pc bruh

Great attitude!

Does it work without your mirroring software?

yeah it does

Known issue, the screen mirroring causes your pitch and roll inputs to swap.

how i fix it or is there any other way i can show my screen on pc

You can manually switch the inputs around in settings. Picture below.

You’ll probably have to change it manually every time you fly though.

Edit: Make sure to do a flight control check before every flight and adjust the settings as needed.

ill try this thx

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thx gang saved me

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i had to set all to default

How did you do it? I have the same problem…

invert pitch control in settings

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