Hey can anyone please help me, i have an issue with the Infinite Flight audio, every couple of seconds the audio fades out and i don’t know why.
Do you have what device are you running on? Otherwise a moderate will be here to help you shortly. Remember trying to either restart your device or re starting the app might work.
How does a picture show sound @Gliding_Central?
Good point thanks for that.
ok thanks ill try that
hmm it didnt work
If you are on iOS 13 because it’s a beta this would be expected to happen.
i am on IOS 13, so could that be the issue?
Also, it is only the engine sounds and flaps and all that ATC i can hear fine.
Yes that would be the issue I would say in this case.
Do you know when this issue will be fixed?
Most likely in September or October once iOS 13 has been released and Infinite Flight release an update for support on those devices which should also bring support for the new iPhones and whatever else the release in the September event.
I understand that some/all of the sound issues were fixed in a dev beta 7 update so hopefully this is rolled out to a public beta soonish so it won’t be a long wait for you
ah thats good
I personally strongly not recommend users downloading iOS 13 betas and use that device very often. If you are looking for a more stable performance, considering downgrading to iOS 12 is a good option.
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