Are you interested in becoming an Air Traffic Controller on the Expert Server? I am looking for mature and knowledgable users to control the skies of Infinite Flight!
-14 years of age.
-Minimum stats to enter Expert Server. (Grade 3)
-No more than 50% violation to landings ratio.
-Minimum of 500 ATC operations.
-At least 60 days since last ghost
-Valid email address.
What steps are taken before being added?
First, an interested candidate will contact a recruiter who will ensure all minimum requirements are met. Please contact your recruiter with the following:
- display name
- callsign
- age
- level of experience
- screenshot of operations count (Select ATC from Main Menu, you will see xxx operations in the top right hand corner with your name.)
The candidate will be sent a link that may be used once to complete the timed Knowledge Exam, a 25 question test that will evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of basic ATC procedures and commands. With a passing score of 80%, the recruiter will schedule a Practical Exam to evaluate the candidate’s ability to efficiently control an airfield with 4-5 aircraft.
When can I retest if I do not pass?
0-49%: 30 Days
50-79%: Two Weeks
Poor: 30 Days
Marginal: Two Weeks
Only serious and mature candidates will be considered to ensure the Infinite Flight Community is provided the best Air Traffic Control service possible!
To guarantee a successful testing process, please watch all ground and tower ATC tutorials prior to contacting a recruiter: