Infinite Flight Airport Editing: O’Hare International Airport Pt.1 2022-07-11T16:00:00Z→2022-07-11T17:30:00Z
The Infinite Flight Scenery Editor is a revolutionary in-app tool which allows scenery editors to edit airports from 2D to 3D. From creating pavements to building magnificent terminal structures, this is where the magic happens.
Stream breakdown
Firstly, we will explore the scenery editor itself. A small tour you could say to show you what the editor is like and some of the tools it comes with.
After having a look around, we will start looking into the 3D aspect and what it takes to ‘layer’ buildings, change facades and bring an airport to life whilst paying fine attention to detail. The core focus of this stream will be the 3D aspect, bringing one of KORDs concourses to life. @Laura and @DeerCrusher will keep us company on the stream! So, as I continue with editing there will be plenty of opportunities to ask both of them questions.
Many thanks to the entire Infinite Flight family for creating this wonderful gem of a scenario editor and making it available to the entire community that is willing to give everything to make the best airports in the world.
Am I the only one who is as excited, if not more to finally see @DeerCrusher? (It’s possible that Matt has shown what he looks like before and I just forgot.)
Anyways, this is really cool! @Dan thank you for doing this to give more exposure to the community. I think I speak for the whole community in saying that we truly do appreciate it and streams such as this help explain to the community what goes on behind the scenes.