Apparently, it’s a known issue and won’t be fixed. :(
Air Asia Ejen Ali Vs Vietnam Airlines
These are really good updates we appreciate 👏🏻thanks for your work
I’m finding the preset altitudes imported from SimBrief are unrealistic - is there a way to find rhe appropriate altitudes for a given SID/star?
I manually put in the my cruise altitude when creating a flight plan on simbrief so for example (39,000ft) if I’m flying long haul I just fly a few thousand feet below and step climb to that altitude 😁
love those little details like the more realistic sounding atc radio
It’s been days since Infinite Flight updated, this week I flew with the new update. And for me it was an incredible beginner update with a link to simbrief.
This makes it more agile and saves time in transferring the route.
I agree with @Helzluis . The sound of the radio has become very realistic and more interesting. Amazing 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I didn’t mean the cruise alt, I mean the procedure recommended altitudes
I’m not a fan of this airline but these photos are awesome!
From the 4 to the 7 eh? Local or express 👀
Lol, express all the way!
The 4 train was my childhood train growing up in The Bronx. I moved to Queens when I was 14 (21 years ago) and although the 7 was never my train, I feel that it truly encompasses the borough of Queens. I often get bored of my profile photos though, so don’t be surprised if you see another change. It’ll either be another train line or a photo of my cat Randy lol.
Well give them some time… the governments in India have used and abused the airline for a long time now. More so in the last decade. Tata is probably the only company that can turn Air India around. I’ve flown multiple times on their A350 and the service has been at par with other global carriers. Their new cabin product is good. The crew are more positive. The aircraft are cleaner (despite their age and poor maintenance of the past). The service is better. The catering is better.
I think most people expected change to happen overnight, unfortunately Tata are dealing with a lot of “damaged goods” and a “tarnished reputation” of the past.
I personally consider the old and new Air India as two separate entities. And the difference is noticeable. In 2-3 years time Air India will be a whole new airline
Tell us something we don’t already know lol. Thanks for the information lol. Can anyone do the sharp north turn out of IAH or am I the only one? If you want know how to do the turn then watch this video.
Warning this video does contain explicit language. Don’t watch if your feelings are too sensitive:
Can’t change callsign during session
Crashes when switching networks during session
Restarting from a saved state causes the game to be kicked off the live server, and the camera work becomes strange
ATC is hard to hear
I fully understand that they are working on incorporating new features, but this time there are so many changes that it’s getting worse, so I would like it to go back to the previous version if possible.
My line would be A since it’s my closest one and it’s by jfk with direct connections to the air train 😈
One small issue i have with 24.3 is now when using rudder to turn if you communicate with ATC or unicom the turn stops and you move straight ahead whereas before this update the turn would continue in the background
Oh… I didn’t notice. I loved using that feature when taxing or exiting runways in a rush :/
100 percent throttle and autopilot on less then a minute into flight **
Currently I’m right by the F; not too far from the E & the J and the Jamaica AirTrain 😁. I’m also a ten-minute Uber ride from JFK and about 20 mins from LGA
@jasonrosewell can something be done about the continuous sim crashes? Perhaps another fix? After the last major update with the A380 I got into the habit of clearing my cache after every flight since they seemed to help but now it’s back again. Thank
Goodness for flight resume at least